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>`He's a smart guy. He has a lot of product knowledge. Solid hand. I thought he did a nice job. I didn't work with him directly a lot. I have seen him at TV and he was always friendly and approachable. I'm sorry to hear that because I thought he was a good hand and did a nice job there. Things have a way of working out, you never say never, but I always thought he did a nice job for us. He was very loyal to CM Punk, nothing wrong with that, they were buddies. I'm assuming CM Punk is the guy that got Ace Steel his job. I don't know where all of that is going. I hate to see anybody lose a job, lose a paycheck. While he was there, he seemed to be a viable asset, but again, I didn't work with him directly. I didn't have any issues, pro or con, with him. The bottom line is, another guy lost his job. That's what's regrettable," said Ross.
>He continued, "He's got skills. I would think, if given a fair shake within the landscape of wrestling in general, he'll find some work. Smart guy. I hope it works out well. I regret that anybody, anywhere in wrestling, loses their job."
>He continued, "He's got skills. I would think, if given a fair shake within the landscape of wrestling in general, he'll find some work. Smart guy. I hope it works out well. I regret that anybody, anywhere in wrestling, loses their job."