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I remember once, we was doin' a tour of Japan, right? Now this was back in '45 so the war was ragin' but when Hirohito hisself is offerin' ya big money, then you're gonna take that money an' you're not gonna give two licks about where it come from, y'know? Ya just wanna put on a show and entertain the crowd. So's we go over there an' it's all goin' good 'til we get down south. We're doin' a show in Hiroshima an' we're really heelin' it up. The crowd's booin' an' jeerin' an' throwin' trash. Had one'a them mafia boys try an' stab me on the way to the back but I fought 'im off.
Now we got a near riot on our hands an' the promoter, some Tojo lookin' Japanman, decides he ain't gonna play ball. He's gonna stiff us. Well we ain't none too happy about that an' Haku, man, he really wasn't happy. So he goes nuts. Puts the promoter in the Tongan Death Grip an' squeezes so hard you could hear bones crackin'. We try an' calm him but y'know when he gets like this, it's no good. He goes on a rampage, runs out the buildin', an' just starts layin' waste. Buildin's, guys, gals, you name it, he's rippin' it in two an' smashin' it to dust. He was like this for three whole days. Swam over to the next island an' was just tearin' a new asshole in Nagaski. We finally got ol' Haku under control but man, you shoulda seen it. Them Japs was so traumtized they surrendered then an' there.
Government was embarassed about the whole thing an' made up that whole story about an atomic bomb to cover it up. Didn't wanna look like wimps compared to real tough guys, y'know? That an' it was almost a real international incident. Them Japs was pissed an' ready to go to war wit' Tonga an' Samoa an' all them islands an' I tell ya, it wouldn't'a been good for them yella fellas if they did, y'know?