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No.7713764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Casual reminder that if you check the YouTube comments of ANY popular WWF/WWE/WCW YouTube video, it’s always full of “man, WWE used to be good” and “man, WWE sucks now” comments.
And people on this board think it’s the 50+ crowd’s fault for making WWE uncool
No, it’s the smark pandering to the autistic consoomer 20 year old nerds and the 30-45 year old manchild demo that killed wrestling.
You’re literally watching a dying sport. People don’t like WWE because of the wrestling, they like it because it made good entertainment. They didn’t like Russo’s sloppy shit either like y’all are gonna deflect with, Russo only worked when he was being filtered. Stop hero worshiping that guy because he’s a Christian and hates the government.
Face it, YOU’RE the problem. Go get a cooler hobby like table top games or schzio conspiracy theories, people will unironically think you’re cooler if you have those as your hobbies. Me? I don’t like the common man, I don’t give a shit about popularity or le coolness. I like what I like. I don’t even like wrestling anymore, I don’t even like the shitposting here anymore. I have no idea why I’m still around. Probably because everything else is trash and I might as well stick with what I know. Either way, your hobby is uncool, and the normies would rather eat shit than like wrestling again. No amount of Cornette or Russo or Tiny or McMahon or Big Tunes will change that.