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Why is the mental health of joshis (mostly Stardom) ignored and even reason for ban on /pw/?
Have you seen how this guys spam all day about their fav joshis and idealizing their lives as completely innocuous and joyful? "Mei-chan having a wholesome time in Mexico", "Maika enjoying a treat". However as soon someone notices something related to their mental health (cuts, suicidal thoughts, crying eyes on social media, meltdowns, etc) instead of finding a way to help these people, they get defensive as fuck and some mods start to delete pics or even full threads.
Hana has been dead for 2+ years and people like Mayu, Jungle Kyona, Mina Unagi already shared their experiences battling suicidal thoughts being Mayu the one that worries me the most, since she has visible cuts and has expressed that besides from wrestling her life is empty.
Topic 100% related to /pw/ and so is the pic.
Have you seen how this guys spam all day about their fav joshis and idealizing their lives as completely innocuous and joyful? "Mei-chan having a wholesome time in Mexico", "Maika enjoying a treat". However as soon someone notices something related to their mental health (cuts, suicidal thoughts, crying eyes on social media, meltdowns, etc) instead of finding a way to help these people, they get defensive as fuck and some mods start to delete pics or even full threads.
Hana has been dead for 2+ years and people like Mayu, Jungle Kyona, Mina Unagi already shared their experiences battling suicidal thoughts being Mayu the one that worries me the most, since she has visible cuts and has expressed that besides from wrestling her life is empty.
Topic 100% related to /pw/ and so is the pic.