[25 / 4 / 13]
>be a wrestling board
>retard with a paid pass constantly IP switches just to spam the board with twitter screenshots
>gets banned for spamming & doxing nearly every day and immediately evades and does it again
>mods don't even think twice about taking away his pass or handing out hardware bans
and the sad thing? I'll get banned for complaining, while an actual board cancer continues to shit up the place and intentionally cause more work for jannies
>retard with a paid pass constantly IP switches just to spam the board with twitter screenshots
>gets banned for spamming & doxing nearly every day and immediately evades and does it again
>mods don't even think twice about taking away his pass or handing out hardware bans
and the sad thing? I'll get banned for complaining, while an actual board cancer continues to shit up the place and intentionally cause more work for jannies