>>7739481it started from 2012
the yes movement, shield debut, heel punk, ryback debut, lesnar returns,
into 2013 wyatt debuts and bryan main events summerslam as ryback, ziggler, punk, cody, the shield, the wyatts all got over with the crowd
you had the amazing storyline of the rhodes dynasty v the shield
then the road to wrestlemania in 2014 was insane
punk quits, bryan joins the wyatts and turns on them with one of the biggest pops in raw history, everyone is shitting on randy and batista and wwe are forced to go along with the yes movement
bryan beats hhh in the first match of mania and goes onto beat batista and randy orton in the main event to become undisputed world champion
then they sabotaged him with the kane angle and tried to owen hart him
the shield breaks up
punk still gone
wyatts go to shit
ruined ryback
the ratings decline ever since