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Brawl Out: the work

No.7745695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have been putting together information over the last couple of months to determine if this was indeed a work or shoot.

Reasons why it was a work (In Order of timeline)

1. Larry the dog was brought to the show, and "accidentally" let loose into the stadium arena, this was a deliberate plant to make everyone aware that Larry was indeed live in attendance at the show, the funny thing is, how did larry get onto the stage?
Larry's legs are too short to be able to climb these steps, let alone unsupervised
This was done to setup the story of how Larry was "injured" in the Brawl for all.

Nick Hausman, Nick was the man to break this story, this is the ONLY verified response from the Punk side of the story, and this was to Nick, the Nick Hausman that CM Punk blew up at during the All Out Press conference for being friends with Colt Cabana? seem odd?

3.Watch Punk head into the Press conference, he clearly has re-hearsed his lines ahead of time, whilst also jumping from topic to topic, re: The Elite & Colt Cabana, mentioning Colt and not just the elite makes this "shoot" seem more credible, instead of just mentioning the Elite, providing more credibility to this being a "shoot

4. Tony Khan not stepping in and stopping it, Double or nothing, the most recent PPV before All Out, Tony had zero issue talking over Punk and heading into his own tangents, why would he have any issue's now? especially when it comes to "burrying" his own talent,

5. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you people he didn't exist.
CM Punk's line from his famous ROH Promo, this was interestingly played RIGHT before MJF returned, MJF was returning, are we to assume this was referring to him? seems a bit too obvious