>>7787066The only people who actually watch wrestling are people under the age of 16, shut-ins, niggers and the retarded. The IWC has watched perhaps 5 matches before but listens to podcasts so it can argue with itself over waifus or whatever 2000s RoH wrestler they have a toy of as actually watching wrestling would be harder work than the obese lazy faggot smarks here would ever actually do. If actually watching wrestling makes you happy and you can compartmentalize your hobbies in a healthy way, then by all means enjoy your life. But, for the people here? They need a lot of time doing anything but creating narratives of the world in their heads and arguing with practically unreal people. Wrestling enables them too much. If you're reading this, turn off your computer and do anything else, by yourself or with a loved one, that doesn't cost you anything. Sit quietly in introspection. Try prayer. Then delete your image folders and forget this place ever existed.