>>7949829>Brawl outside to start. Into the ring, Nash…er…Undertaker drops an elbow, but picks him up at two. Suplex gets two, but again he picks him up. Whew, good thing, because I don’t think Angle could survive that devastating vertical suplex. Angle tries a sleeper, which goes nowhere.>Emerald City Slam gets two for Diesel III, and Angle gets tossed to the floor. He finds his cartoonishly huge wrench and clips the American Fatass with it. >Back in, Angle works the knee as the Great and Powerful Oz gets to show off his range of selling by laying on the mat and going “ouch” occasionally. Wow, way to put over the new talent, Mark. Poochietaker comes back and they slug it out, won by Taker. What a shock. Chokeslam and the Poochiebomb finish at 7:36. Retire now, you crippled, has been, slow-moving, fried-food eating, motorcyle-riding, no-selling, tobacco-chewing, no-money-drawing, talentless piece of selfish SHIT. Kurt Angle is the future, you are NOTHING. Deal with it. And take Kane with you when you go. I’m sure the idiot rubes will cry and Ask the Rick where you went again for six months the next time you leave, but I’ll be happy to see you gone for good, where you can’t drag down any more PPVs. 22 years later and i'm still fuming