[16 / 6 / 11]
>Spends almost 4 days necrobumping 2 threads probably only a handful of people here care about on a dead wrestling board in your path
Samefags and talks to himself nearly every hour or two in these threads
>So few people care, these threads still nowhere close to bump limit for what he claims is a massively over meme
Reminder and this is not a joke or exaggeration, he legit dedicated his life to gay fanfic for free, and is legit obsessed, also strong possible signs he has mental illness/autism
>He's been doing this for 5 years daily
Guessing by the response his threads get, the majoirty of people just ignore it or filter it now, because lets face it, it's beyond tiresome and boring
>Obsessed with someone he calls "Wolfie" who he accuses everyone of being and lets live in his head rent free
>He gets worked every day by Kevin Nash and tries to pretend he's just “trolling” him when he's secretly genuinely mad and triggered by his fictional wrestling persona, his shoot interviews, and his takes on politics
Samefags and talks to himself nearly every hour or two in these threads
>So few people care, these threads still nowhere close to bump limit for what he claims is a massively over meme
Reminder and this is not a joke or exaggeration, he legit dedicated his life to gay fanfic for free, and is legit obsessed, also strong possible signs he has mental illness/autism
>He's been doing this for 5 years daily
Guessing by the response his threads get, the majoirty of people just ignore it or filter it now, because lets face it, it's beyond tiresome and boring
>Obsessed with someone he calls "Wolfie" who he accuses everyone of being and lets live in his head rent free
>He gets worked every day by Kevin Nash and tries to pretend he's just “trolling” him when he's secretly genuinely mad and triggered by his fictional wrestling persona, his shoot interviews, and his takes on politics