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Ryback shoots on Triple H's WWE and his last talk with Vince

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On the latest conversations with the Big Guy, Ryback chatted WWE, AEW Vince and his latest Vegan burger!

On Triple H's WWE
>Yeah I'm still close with a lot of the boys, Cody's back and we were tight! It sounds like people really love it back there. Hunter always could book a guy and see the bigger picture - people went absolutely crazy when we faced off in 2014 but it got squashed... I've got the itch to get back...

On Vince
>We last spoke just before he left, obviously we have been discussing ideas on and off for a while. He just said he was sorry we never got to a deal. I'm fine though, his ideas weren't amazing. I know my value

On AEW and Punk
>AEW just doesn't seem like the place to be right now. Have I spoke to Tony Khan? Not recently. I spoke to Jericho and Bryan though. There doesn't look to be a spot for me really. You look at a guy like Wardlow... Wardlow vs Ryback could main event and draw a fuck ton of money! But they wouldn't do it because of the elite. I saw Phil's rant as well... a lot of what he said is what I hear from my friends there. Phil and I are cool now, the whole dumb as fuck thing was bad at the time but we've squashed it. Punk vs Ryback one more time? Well it ain't happening in AEW that's for sure

On the new improved McPlant
>Look, I was never in on the McPlant before. Vegan stuff gotta taste a little vegan, McPlant was processed to shit. The new McPlant is a hell of an improvement though! Vegan burgers keep upping their game. Feeding time with the big guy on youtube is really popular now too. It's cool man, I love being a vegan influencer. Never felt better.