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If Bryan wasn't over and it was the chant that was over, then how come audiences booed when they tried to give the chant to Big Show and Del Rio?
Bryan is a weird case. He and Punk were the indie standouts in WWE back when it was all Johnny Ace shitters so it did make him unique. Now guys like him are a dime a dozen.
I think WWE audiences liked him - he really did get over with Kane and Team Hell No and he found a good groove as a Crash Holly-like angry midget.
Kane, The Shield, Randy Orton, and Cena deserve a lot of credit for elevating him and making him seem like a believable star who could hang in WWE.
And the Summerslam 2013 angle was good and it really had a storybook ending.
And that was it. Once Bryan beat the Authority he was no longer a main event draw. He should have gotten squashed by Lesnar.
He was also a good heel that allowed crowds to root for Santino, AJ Lee, AJ Styles and Kofi.
He seemed fine settling into IC/perma contender role doing stuff with his friends on smackdown.
Like the guy above said, he needs a good feud where opposites can be played up. Like the Miz. Or Sheamus, The stuff with Hangman is the only thing in AEW that comes close. No one actually gives a shit about ROH or "pure wrestling respect" or Garcia or WHOta