>>7994225I’ve always had my misgivings about Punk, even when he was everyone’s favorite back in 2008-2012. I could tell there was some genuine animosity every time he cut a promo trashing HHH, Stephanie, Vince, Jeff, etc.
In actuality I went to school with guys like him who were straight edge and always had a chip on their shoulder towards people they viewed as inferior, and any chance they could get to belittle someone who they knew wouldn’t be able to defend themselves they’d take it and somehow always felt justified. However if and when the tables did get turned they were quick to play victim.
If he’s really playing a character then by god he really is the best, but I’ve seen him in other media outlets and given his poor interactions with people outside wrestling I’m convinced he really is just a miserable prick. Now it seems more people are picking up on it.