>>8002426It's hard to say because I never would have done any of the shit Phil did to provoke this remark in the first place. I wouldn't have went on my best friend's podcast and slandered a doctor, knowing full well it would get him in as much trouble as me. And if I did, I'd feel sorry for him and use my millions and millions of dollars to pay his legal fees instead of telling him to go fuck himself. And if I told him to go fuck himself I would have left it at that instead of trying to get him demoted from his position as a jobber in AEW. And even if I did THAT, I sure as fuck would never have been virtue signalling about works rights after the fact, or virtue signalling about anything at all for that matter, because I'm not a narcissist. But even if we got to the point where Hangman is in the ring with me and he mentions workers rights, I'd take it on the chin because it actually makes our feud more interesting and thus draws more dimes, and I'd know that absolutely nobody watching at home would even suspect Hangman was shooting on me. So I definitely wouldn't have went and seethed over it for 3 months and shit my pants at the media scrum like an overgrown toddler.
But...and this is a big but...if I did do all of that, I'd probably just kys myself for being such a massive faggot.