>>8029345I'm sure he loved it and was appreciative of the fan support but there's still stuff like Tony (according to "dirtsheets"[take w/a grain of salt) wanted to pick CM Punk over the ELITE because he felt their stories were coming to a close. Truth, is I don't know how he feels there's probably a lot of anger and resentment on all side, and, in my personal opinion I'm not sure Tony did a ton to smooth shit out. You could be right though and he felt the love and wants to stay. The company is clearly backing Moxley as the ace, Jericho, Danielson, MJF etc.... Maybe I'm overreacting and maybe Kenny just wants to book some joshis or whatever.
>>8029377>and retire.>Aka going to WWEI don't know if Omega's body could handle the house show schedules at this point