>>8030268Again, this is all done in theory and executed poorly in reality as far as I'm concerned, but you can see hints of an evolution that makes a decent bit of sense. If we take the running theme of seth rollins to be "Insecurity" and "having a chip on his shoulder" - which is really just his natural self radiating over the screen -, then he went from:
>the guy who thought he was hot shit and better than all his mates, and prostituted himself to the first figure of authority that acknowledged his talent>to the oh shit i actually wasn't so good after all i need help please kane aaaaaaa>to the prostitute realizing she wasn't valuable to her pimp at all and seeks to find her self worth through genuine good hearted hard work and of course vengeance>to the guy who realized he's actually strong now, found a connection with the audience he used to mock, and valiantly took on the mantle of the hero who is going to save them from the evil beast's tyranny>then a biiiiiig blank where we don't what the hell they were trying to tell us>to the aforementioned insecure maniacSee when you put things this way it sounds like there was a whole lot more substance than there really could have been. This was all in the conceptual stage, and it was the communication aspect, the conveying and relaying these things to the audience that failed miserably. I like to think that this is how vince saw his booking, but the vision got increasingly brown and muddy because of the well documented billion factors we've mentioned to death on this board.
The naming of the "characters" does suck, however.