Dakota did a podcast that was pretty interesting. She said there were plans years ago for a Damage CTRL type stable that was Bayley, Dakota, Candice and Tegan. The interesting thing is she said there were plans earlier this year when Vince was in charge for another version of this stable that included Dakota, Iyo, KLR and Raquel that was very close to debuting. So much so that they had group photos taken and had introductory videos done but plans changed at the last minute and of course Dakota ended up fired.
This was during the Vince era so Iyo was very close to being called up earlier and would've probably been called up if she not had been injured after Stand & Deliver but the injury changed a lot.
Personally I think both those ideas suck ass and as much as I want Iyo to be freed of Damage CTRL this version is probably the best one they came up with.