>>8157581If your stable turns on you it just means you've outgrown them and you need to go ahead and form a new even better stable. My stable turned on me because one of their valets had heat with me and a new upstart I had brought in only 12 months before decided to use this as an opportiunity to usurp me as leader. Since then I've formed a new stable with much more over workers meanwhile the old stable broke up shortly afterwards, with some of them having to leave the territory altogether. Some of them tried to join my new stable. Twice we have seen the upstart kid the first time he ran away from us and the second time he was hanging out with some jobbers who I guess are his new stable, he tried to come and shake my hand, I completely big leagued him and embrassed him so bad infront of his own stable he went and stood outside the bar for the next two hours.