>>8334529>>8334657I'm thinking something like in the 1,000-3,000 seat range. Nothing too crazy.
The price of course depends on the location and how fancy you want to get with it. But once it's paid for, it's all profit minus taxes and basic staffing/upkeep.
>>8334682>You'd just bleed money from maintaining those dozen arenas of yours unless you opened them up to other sponsors so you can stay operationalI would definitely host other events there just like Arena Mexico does.
>why do you think WWE is mostly still a touring entity all these decades? Well, it's been the top promotion since the mid-80's. Nothing wrong with touring of course, but if WWE had built their own places back then, they would have been paid off already.
>>8335170CMLL owns every building they run in. Because of that, they've been able to run some of these buildings multiple times a week since the 1940's. Why can't other promotions do the same?