>>8412379It's better to peel off the bandaid now than later anon. I've been stuck in an awful relationship for the past two years. I'm mentally fucked now thanks to her and her constant gaslighting and emotional abuse. Haven't done anything sexual with her in over a year, she always denies my advances and she never flirts back with me anymore despite being a supposed "sex addict". She constantly goes out to the club and spends days without talking to me. Whenever I confront her about this she just walks all over me and says I need to stop being controlling. Whenever we argue even if I make a case she can't refute she just backs into the "I'm not okay mentally and are just trying to find myself" excuse which then makes me feel bad. She talks to guys and has many guy friends and I told her that's not cool but she said "I'm being insecure". She hasn't spoken to me in days now, our relationship has gotten to the point where she'll message me or text me once a day and not respond to me at all, but when I get mad she'll say "I spoke to you yesterday, what are you complaining about" like one fucking good morning text is a whole ass conversation/interaction to suffice all the days of neglect and getting ignored. I don't know what went wrong in your relationship OP but sometimes it's better to just move on. Don't be like me OP.