>>8455124>White vs OkadaJay White is my favorite wrestler, maybe of all times behind Taker, but this main event has no heat. Only interesting outcome is if a shock happens and Jay retains in a show that is in memory of Inoki, which would be a huge blow for Okada and help him develop character, but the chances of that happening are very low.
>Ospreay vs OmegaMOTN, maybe even MOTY, and it hasn't even happened yet. The promos have been fun. I hope Omega continues wrestling for New Japan after this.
>Junior Fatal 4-WayIshimori's reign has been very disappointing, like most of New Japan's title reigns this last year. The match will be good. I just hope Hiromu doesn't win. Any other outcome would be fine.
>FTR vs BishamonGoto & YOSHI win the titles again. Whatever.
>Muto's last NJPW matchIt will be based and I'm very hyped for it. Very glad to see Muto back in NJPW, shame he didn't returned sooner. His team will go over and all three will pose together.
>Kairi vs NakanoI don't care. Probably a good match, but whatever.
>TJP & Akira vs YOH & RushI love YOH and he deserves so much more. I don't want him stuck in the tag title scene again, but at least he's doing better than SHO. YOH vs SHO should've been the main junior singles feud, but they're both stuck in the midcard now. Lio Rush as his partner is disappointing, as I wanted Tiger Mask instead.
>Narita vs ZSJThe match I'm the most hyped for. Narita vs Ishii was crazy. I'm so behind Narita, but I predict ZSJ winning and being his gatekeeper for some time until Dominion or G1.
>Karl vs TamaTama goes over in 5 minutes. He deserves it. Fuck you Karl. Move on.
>Inoki memorial tag matchAnyone who complains about veterans in a tag match is retarded. This match will be very fun to watch. Happy to see Suzuki tagging with new people now.
>Oiwa vs OlegOleg has a lot of potential, but so does Oiwa.