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Quoted By: >>8556521
While speaking on his83 Weeks podcast, Eric Bischoff talked about Vince McMahon’s most recent actions. Easy E stated that McMahon will always do what he feels is best for business and WWE’s ‘bottom line.’
>“It’s us versus the bottom line is what it is. And I think if anybody’s proven publicly that that’s his method of operation, it’s Vince McMahon. He brought me back for crying out loud, or brought me in, forget about bringing me back. He brought me in the first time. Not because he liked me, not because of any other reason other than he thought it was best for business. It worked creatively, that’s all that mattered.
>He probably hated my guts. He probably really wanted to stop me. It’s probably how he really felt about me, personally. But what was best for business at that moment? Look at Ultimate Warrior. Look at Jeff Jarrett, he brought Jeff Jarrett back. Yeah, Jeff Jarrett held up 350 grand or whatever it was, I don’t even know I didn’t pay attention to the story, but held him up for a significant amount of money, and brought him back. So I think Vince has demonstrated that what’s best for business is more important than how he feels about somebody personally.”
>“It’s us versus the bottom line is what it is. And I think if anybody’s proven publicly that that’s his method of operation, it’s Vince McMahon. He brought me back for crying out loud, or brought me in, forget about bringing me back. He brought me in the first time. Not because he liked me, not because of any other reason other than he thought it was best for business. It worked creatively, that’s all that mattered.
>He probably hated my guts. He probably really wanted to stop me. It’s probably how he really felt about me, personally. But what was best for business at that moment? Look at Ultimate Warrior. Look at Jeff Jarrett, he brought Jeff Jarrett back. Yeah, Jeff Jarrett held up 350 grand or whatever it was, I don’t even know I didn’t pay attention to the story, but held him up for a significant amount of money, and brought him back. So I think Vince has demonstrated that what’s best for business is more important than how he feels about somebody personally.”