>>8564505Probably when I was like 17 and I started telling jokes infront of some people at college including this really hot girl I fancied but never spoke to before and everyone was laughing then one of them said 'anon, you are so funny you should be a stand up comedian' and I got too cocky and said 'no, I'd rather sit down' then they all stopped laughing and looked at me really awkwardly and I got all embarassed and red faced and the girl got up and left and never acknowledged me again. This was 13 years ago, still makes me cringe. Really killed all my heat. I used to constantly get buried in college though until I asked for my release, but I pretended to my mum that I was still going, so she would give me bus money in the morning, I'd walk to the shop and buy some cheap cider, wait until she left for work, then I would go to my NEET friend's house across the street and we'd get drunk and play video games everyday. Was pretty comfy. I am still NEET but my friend sold out and has a good job and moved away so it is less comfy than when we were NEETs together.