>>8583612Ojama you do not know shit about TV. It has been shown so many times. You think because you read Meltzer and try to use your low digit IQ to google shit that you suddenly understand television ratings, and data analysis. You don't. WWE is considered by networks as live content programming, like other sports, football, baseball etc. Yes it is scripted, but the format and presentation length and style make it something that is comparable to those events. It is a knock off sporting event to be low brow for you. Functionally this means it is there to function as a large block of time that sells a large amount of ad space. It has steady known ratings. No it does not do numbers like a popular scripted show, it also does not do numbers like a badly scripted show. It is a homogenous predictable entity. That is what makes Vince smart, he angled his product to seem it could function like a sporting event even if it was scripted. It is effective and smart so much so that your patron God of Autism Tony Khan uses the same model. Now stfu and stop talking about shit you dont understand Console war in your usual insipid way.
tl;dr you claim you wont read this and then post something that clearly shows you did.