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No.8600513 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
[sad news] Someone on the board was talking shit about Hanan's (18) gear and Sonny (?)defended her
>Come on guys…her mom made that gear. Give the kid a break.
>She wears that because her mom made it for her. They don’t make her wear it. No one is made to wear any gear, they choose it. And right now nobody cares because she is a kid and it doesnt matter yet. Imagine getting disappointed that a kid let you down with her choice of clothes. Gimme a break.
>I just don't see how this is viewed as being bad. Does it look shitty? I don't think so. She's a kid, and she chose it. Hina and Rina have their made by the same woman that makes the costumes for QQ, Kid and others. But this was Hanan's choice.