>>8655046Japan clearly doesn't fucking understand the concept clearly.
America either doesn't understand the concept clearly, either, or they don't realize how fucked their technology is.
Also, people clearly fucking fucked this whole thing up since the goddamned fucking world war 2 or earlier, stop being fucking evil dickcheeses.
The technology is possibly a trap? It's kinda supposed to be a trap, but also I think they fucked it up just a little bit which indicates that actually the fucked it up completely and they all need to be killed for allowing it to be any sort of "selfish" or "trap" at all [and because this stuff is ridiculous: I must specify that "trap" is used in the sense of a device which ensnares, entangles, cages, or etc. the subject]. Every single one of them should have agreed to the tech, there should not have been any disagreements, and then every new addition should have also verified that it was working correctly as well.
"testing" the technology is evidence of fucking it up; each new test subject should be put on the public blockchain, along with what version of the tech which was used and the tester's comments as to whether the technology passed or failed. Probably, the technology should be considered to have failed in one of two senses by default: A) either it was insufficient to verify the subject (cleanly) and therefore needs more thought & effort put into it or B) the tech was detected as selfish or some kind of trap [as used above].
Idk what country is doing the meme-signalling for new leaders, but probably they should have a "new" leader every so often to PUBLICALLY signal who is in on things.
Certain people also seem to be mislead because digital fakes have gotten to the point where people need to meet in person for these things, so it's kind of up to technology to fill that gap, and then it gets back to fucking bullshit again....
Basically, unless the public builds chip factories from scratch, there are shitters in charge.