>>8663157unironically wrestling should lean even harder into "nerd" culture, anime shit and capeshit is so much more relevant than wrestling and draws significantly more if you're trying to appeal to the zeitgeist you gotta look at the culture. In the 90s is was jerry springer in the 80s it was american exceptionalism/nationalism what earns money/eyes these days? Start there.
For all the old guys jack off to people like mjf or ftr for emulating "wrestling when it was good" they come off like shitty parodies, MJF's banter is shit tier when confronted by your regular charismatic person because he's obviously acting and sounds super manufactured. He can have his long winded insults all he wants he came off like a goober talking shit to some garbage mma scouser, someone like bisping would embarrass him. FTR and MJF to your average non wrestling fan looks like what wrestling would be stereotyped as in a movie or some shit where the main characters laugh at it or have it on in the background.