>>8679259Sure. It's early here so I'll just list the few I think of off the top of my head.
Here's some I agree with Dave on:
>Bret/Owen Hart at SummerSlam 94>Hart/Austin at WrestleMania 13>HBK/Taker HitC at Badd Blood>all three Flair/Steamboat matches from their series in 89And here's some that Dave didn't think deserved it, but I do:
>Bret/Owen Hart at WrestleMania X>Austin/Vader/Taker/Hart at Final Four>Razor/HBK ladder at SummerSlam 95 (better than their ladder match at X)>Savage/Warrior at WrestleMania 7 (the Elizabeth stuff during and after the match gets me on every rewatch)>Hart/Perfect at SummerSlam 91 (can watch this one over and over and find something new each time)>Flair/Vader at Starrcade 93>Steiner Bros/Luger + Sting at SuperBrawl 91And I recently watched Vader/Inoki from 1996, having never seen it before, and it was an easy 5 stars from me. It was FULL of emotion and both men took the match deadly seriously. I love that shit.
I judge matches on more than just workrate. Believability and emotions elicited are my two biggest factors, with athleticism, spots, and workrate factoring in too but to a lesser extent. In short: I love matches that make me forget it's just a work. I don't like spot fests that expose they're cooperating, and I can't stand goofy crap that looks fake.
This crap
>>8679239 would earn ZERO stars from me, for example. And modern wrestling is full of this trash. According to Dave, wrestling has never been better if you look at how high matches tend to be rated. It all seems inflated to me. I think modern wrestling is mostly heatless and has too much obvious cooperation.
>inb4 "your ratings suck"Don't care if you disagree. I'm not going to enjoy a match any less if Dave doesn't rate it highly, nor do his ratings influence me to enjoy a match that I'm not feeling.