>>8715638Jim Johnston is unironically one of the greatest composers of all time. His work might not be groundbreaking or transcendental, but his efficiency at crafting these little tunes that not only conveyed character but also could stand up on their own as songs is exceptional. Then again, once you remember that he's not even in the HoF, you realize how little they understand about presentation.
What boggles my mind however is their inability to branch out and collaborate with small-time artists to make themes for them. How hard is it to sign some decent bandcamp dudes to a cheap deal where they make a few songs for you, and they get to benefit from the extra promotion? The entire show is enclosed in this nasty, suffocating corporate bubble, lord knows they could benefit from some refreshers.
>>8717041I have the tiny sliver of hope that with the arrival of new owners, we could see a drastic change in the art direction crew. Even if the likeliest candidates seem to be equally tasteless dunces. Just one good director could do them a world of good. David Sahadi's jump to TNA was a great example of that.