>>8727900He's mediocre beyond belief in the ring, his promos are 100% scripted, written for him and also not believable and his success comes exclusively from him being a WWE fanboy that shamelessly ate shit until he got pushed as a rib.
If the average indie geek is a smark that lost their shit at Meltzer 5 stars and wanted that for himself, then The Miz is someone that imagined himself as The Rock or Steve Austin. Even the biggest WWE marks in the world aren't gonna pretend he's anywhere near pulling that off. He's pretty much the only guy in WWE whose dream was "To be a superstar", a kind of shallow mark dream that is otherwise relegated to the womeme.
Despite all the accolades he has been given and the amount of time he has spent in WWE, he will be immediately forgotten as soon as he finally retires. Like a /pw/ meme that needs to keep being posted by the person forcing it for it to keep happening. Recognizable merely in how you keep seeing it and not how you want to keep seeing it.
This post is gonna get replies BTFOing me and stomping my head to the curb, but every single one of you know I'm correct. The Miz is basically the wrestling equivalent of an industry plant.