>>8779010It's not that Sami has to win, I agree, he should not. It's just far more entertaining of a storyline and they have to cut it short for something that isn't going to be anywhere near as impactful. Cody doesn't fit in to the storyline either, so it's just going to be awkward having him potentially be the one who ends it.
And, regardless of what you say, Sami got the biggest pop of the night. It's not even a smark thing, people are just interested on where everything goes from here with that story.
>>8778997Yeah, maybe one note was too harsh. But, there is something wrong with him for sure. I just fear what he has to do from now until Mania, because it's going to be old hearing the same shit and Cody is a sociopath who is going to do whatever he can to try and get over. I guarantee we see another whipping segment from now until Mania.
>>8779026I don't watch AEW anymore, and Cody is already getting a muted reaction. Why don't you type more than the same old shit and come to a reasonable conclusion as to why you believe he'll be over. If not, shut the fuck up and go ask your mom for tendies, you retard.