>>8789582>>Roman's heel run should end with him facing outthere is no scenario on Earth, not one, where Cody gets "cheered" for achieving YET ANOTHER 'bucket-list-dream-achievement' in a life of nothing BUT dream-living
the story is this:
>Cody's undeniable, the dream, its all laid out for him, as if the company contract says:"cody wins the belt at mania, the crowd WILL cheeer">goes to mania, LOSES, the dream is shattered, Cody is now in the nightmare-scenario, you take it all away, you take it all awayCody is the "old-Roman" who will get mercilessely booed out of the building for any 'win'
Imagine ever thinking a Rich, pretty-duke-nukem-looking chad whos dad is on the Mt.Rushmore of classic wrestling, a guy who has it all, is an under-dog
Cody isn 900days, the face of the company guy
WWE "rebranding" around Cody is suicide at this point
Roman is so God-tier, he really is this business, and Cody must and WILL lose