>>8794977>yup the invasion from last year ended and WWF won JUST KIDDING WE'RE DOING IT AGAINim sure fans wouldve loved it, might have actually gotten pops and made money with actuall big name WCW stars, just dont do the invasion crap again. Instead, make them form their own resistance group in the WWF, WCW stars working together against Vince McMahon
You can have the big matches with all the big WWF stars at the time. Some of them can be empathetic to WCW guys and their struggle against the corporatization of the wrestling business.
All the rebellious shit that went on years before in the WWF can happen again and you can get the average Joe loving WCW stars, and the other Alliance guys who got buried during Invasion. Also, maybe the rebels from the 90s WWF can be on the side of corporate. You already had Stone Cold lead the Alliance. Whatever.
No I didn't spell or grammar check my post, so give me your GOOD MORNING SIR. I don't care, I spewed out my dumb story.