>>8802516> PageHe's been pinned 4 TIMES ON THE LAST 2 YEARS. He's been built stronger than the fucking Okada, and yet no one takes him seriously, because:
- can't cut a promo to save his life
- His ego is as inflated as the Bucks.
- He honestly believes he is so good that he doesn't need to learn from anyone.
- Has a meltdown when he has to cut a promo before his title match against Punk because Page can't deal with the fact that Phill was a better draw. - Because Phill was injured at home, Pussy decides to do a shoot promo on Life TV which lead to Punk leaving
> CM PunkYeah, Punk got injured, but having a botched monkey as a champion might have been a bad idea in the first place. He either didn't want to be the Ace but saw Himself as the best option available, or he wanted to be a transitional champion to someone He deemed worthy. Also, I honestly believe that the main reason He was hated was because He drew a larger audience than the EVP ever did, and because Punk began doing his version of the BSK in which he surrounded himself with guys like FTR, Hobbs, Starks, and MJF, all of whom are good workers who are seen as threats by the Bucks and Omega.
> DanielsonThis is what happens when you don't capitalize on someone's momentum. As soon as the feud with Page ended, he became an upper midcarder. which is a shame because he's the only ex-WWE star they currently have, especially after Punk left. He's been religated to having the technical match of the night
> MJFHe's the reason some people watch AEW in the first place. He honestly doesn't need to belt, but now it's more of a formality than a necessity.
I'm happy that he got it, but I don't want to see his match with Wardlow when it happens. The main problem I have with him is that he was a chicken shit heel who needed Wardlow or his ring to win matches, but now he's suddenly good enough to be a world champion