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Who talked Brock into doing the shooting star press at WrestleMania 19?

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According to the Wrestling Observer:

"Lesnar said he didn’t want to do it but someone, who he wouldn’t mention, talked him into it saying it would be his WrestleMania moment. The person he didn’t mention was John Laurinaitis as far as the suggestion. Jim Ross he had said in other interviews was the guy who pushed it as his “WrestleMania” moment."

However, there seems to be another version of the story going around as well. Wrestling Inc talked to Kurt Angle and he said that the move was his idea!

"That was my idea, I will take responsibility for Brock doing that," Angle said. "At the time I had to leave [WWE], it really wasn't in the plans for me to drop the title atWrestleMania. I had suffered a broken neck and was going to have surgery, so I wanted to do something that people would remember. I asked Brock to do the Shooting Star Press, which he had done many times in OVW. I just thought it would be a great way to end the show.

"Unfortunately Brock came up short. I think I was a little too far away, and Brock kinda double guessed before he went. If you ever watched the tape, you'll see he goes, then he kinda stops, then he says screw it. So that hesitation caused him to land on his head. But that was my call, I know that Brock didn't necessarily want to do it, but we did practice it earlier in the week and he was doing it perfectly well, he just got in a situation in the match where he kinda slipped a little bit and that was it.

"But I can tell you this, fans still remember it!"