>>8846709That doesn't make Cawdy look strong as their next face of the company. The better option would be
>Cody and Sami have a nice moment in Raw over their love for wrassling or some other topic>Sami gets his shit stomped in by Roman and the Bloodline>Jey comes in to help Sami, he gets stomped>KO comes in to help both, he also gets stomped>they're all lined up to get the chair until ADRENALINE >Sami and Jey team up against Solo and Jimmy (to fill the Usos' dreams of facing each other in Mania)>KO is too injured after all the beatings from RR and EC but still appears to help Sami and Jey to win the titles >Cawdy and Roman main event with a clean match until the Bloodline come in, only to be met by Sami and Jey to prevent any interference >Cawdy wins and has his moment, Bloodline still has credibility, Jey and Sami reach their revenge, and KO sees Sami succeedAnd that's IF Rock really isn't showing up for Mania
If Rock is showing up then he could main event night 1 in a triple threat with the Bloodline, paired with Sami and Jey. Then Cawdy goes for the undisputed WWE universal championships in night 2.