>>8931347The Montreal Screwjob, which took place during the 1997 Survivor Series event, has been a controversial moment in professional wrestling history. While some consider it a low point for the industry, others argue that it was a necessary step for the evolution of the business.
One of the reasons why the Montreal Screwjob is seen as a positive event is that it helped to establish the idea of kayfabe, the illusion that wrestling is real and that the outcomes are not predetermined. By having a major moment in which the outcome was not scripted and the fans were not aware of what was going on, the industry was able to maintain the illusion of reality and keep fans engaged.
Additionally, the Montreal Screwjob helped to establish Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) as the dominant force in the wrestling industry. By taking control of the situation and making a bold move, McMahon was able to assert his power and establish his vision for the future of the business.
Finally, the aftermath of the Montreal Screwjob led to the creation of new storylines and the development of new talent. By breaking kayfabe and creating a situation in which the fans were aware of what was going on, the creative team was able to explore new territory and create new and exciting moments for fans.
In conclusion, while the Montreal Screwjob was a controversial moment in professional wrestling history, it is also seen by some as a positive event that helped to establish kayfabe, establish Vince McMahon's power, and create new storylines.