>“Whatever I’m gonna say here is gonna piss off the AEW super marks. But I’ll just say this, one of the most frustrating, and to a degree, not-so-fun interviews of my career. Because, as you may have seen, he didn’t want to answer anything.”
>“Now look, you’re gonna come on and promote X, Y, and Z, great, and I’ll play that dance with you. And I did, at the beginning. But you got to give us something. To not even tell me how you were feeling...give me something. Don’t just say, ‘Not gonna talk about it. Not gonna talk about it. Doesn’t serve me. Doesn’t serve me.’”
>“That’s not the way you do it...Look at some of the great promoters over the last 30 years. There’s a way of giving us the answer, even though it’s not the answer I want, but you’re giving us some sort of answer, something to chew on, as opposed to just shutting it all down. Not very enjoyable.”
>“The enjoyment of getting to talk to the guy who founded this great property that has done a lot of great things in three years fizzled out rather quickly when I realized the only answers he’s gonna give me are these long drawn-out answers promoting all this stuff and going on these tangents about Chris Jericho and this and that...”