>>9025974Do you understand the difference between
- company investing millions in pushing a guy with a steady build, hours of TV time in development, having him go over every other up and coming talent, and de-pushing every other hot talent, using stories and commentary steadily get you over with all normies..
- company literally depushing you because you're getting too hot on your own, having you lose in matches and fueds, booking you 1 dimensionally, trying to share your gimic and heat with other characters so they get more hot, and even planning to have Brock squash you in a few months after deciding last minute to put the belt on you.
Here's the reality.
-If WWE wanted, they can fool kids, and women, and Indian people to worship any character you choose..
- WWE chooses pretty people first priority, talent a very distant 2nd
- the product has regularly suffered because of this.
- guys with actual talent breakthrough and get hotter than anyone organically.
What if WWE actually got the machine behind the top talent?
We might actually get really good television.
In fact WWE used to do this, it was called the attitude era.