[15 / 3 / 14]
>T-tony please, I don't want to watch Orange Cassidy vs Wheeler Yuta, Tony, I beg you... no, please, I know we have to do a milly this week to beat the evil WWE but I can't watch this anymore please Tony... no, please, don't make me stand up for AEW on 4chan overtime, I already spend 12 hours per day spamming twitter screencaps... Tony, I beg you... NO PLEASE NOT ANOTHER YOUTUBER SHOW FOR ROH, I'M WATCHING NOW, ANYTHING BUT THAT, PLEASE Why are AEWtists like this?
In my opinion consolewars makes the board worse
>>9036432 Then AEW fans should all agree to leave. That way, the board will be based again like /asp/.
Seriously, AEW fans need to leave.
>>9036466 >console wars weren’t all over asp Go back
>>9036475 You KNOW aew fags ruined this board (/aspw/). Just admit it and you and all your tranny friends can leave. I'll set you up a nice discord where you can joshi and tranny post until your heart's content.
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>>9036475 Smackdown vs Raw console wars was blatant shitposting. Aew fags came in and started treating everything like serious business (see: trying to change ratings threads from PLUMMET or SKYROCKET over 1k difference to serious business analysis of muh demo) and killed the board.
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>>9036638 How sad, Anon. You should embrace the idea of multiple promotions.
>>9036413 I can't wait until either company fucking dies and we stop seeing shitty threads like this all the time.
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>>9036413 ngl bros this is shoot me whenever I see the fucking atrocious cards Tony books. Like fucking hell it's not that hard to book two main eventers against each other man and hype it the week before on fucking tv
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>>9036638 AEW is the reason this board exists.
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>>9038674 Only AEW will die.
Khans ROH will live on and WWE too.
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>>9036432 >frogposter No one cares about your opinion.
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>>9036432 yeah e-drones are insufferable
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>>9036466 >>9036638 >We want /asp/ back >/asp/ies hated all wrestling and wanted to discuss boring shit like Zorb.