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154KiB, 820x836, 831-8318812_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-based-pepe-in-a-tuxedo.jpg
>Go into random thread
>"Shut up, Ojama" on the first AEWtist I see
>Sit back and enjoy the console war between the 5 bitchtits and 5 Ojamas
>Ocassionally catch a 30 day ban for ban evasion meant for one of the 5 bitchtits
What angle are you currently working, anons?
>"Shut up, Ojama" on the first AEWtist I see
>Sit back and enjoy the console war between the 5 bitchtits and 5 Ojamas
>Ocassionally catch a 30 day ban for ban evasion meant for one of the 5 bitchtits
What angle are you currently working, anons?