Alright Finnsider here, I'll give you a list of the reasons as to why there are no Finnish wrestlers in the WWE:
1. Rally English aka. speaking English with a Finnish accent sounds fucking retarded and most Finns won't want to learn an American accent
2. If you tell another Finn that you're gonna be a famous pro wrestler, they'll laugh at you and call it fake, scripted, etc.
3. Lack of understanding of coolness, charisma and American culture. I mean ffs the most famous Finns in American media are the Dudesons.......... I rest my case
4. Inability to become a dime drawing megastar in general, due to psychological autism. In wrestling you have "get it", 99% Finns don't get it.
5. Can't commit to a good gimmick. There's a show airing in Finland called Putous, where "professional" "actors"/"comedians" have to come up with "funny" improv characters and make the audience laugh. IT IS THE FUCKING UNFUNNIEST SHIT YOU'VE EVER SEEN. (You think modern SNL is bad? OH BOY) In Finnish television you JUST have to appeal to every demographic and age group, so it always ends up being retarded baby shit, just like the rest of Finnish television. So no, a Finnish wrestler could never come up with a gimmick worthy of American television.
The reason Tony Halme was able to become a wrestler is because his gimmick was that of an angry Finn and as a boxer, he understood sports entertainment.
Plus, this was 20+ years ago when you could actually pull off such a gimmick.