>>9198345>RockStays as the front man for the Nation of Domination and feuds with every black wrestler entering the federation. Gets a slight main event push but is never allowed to actually win because Tony doesn't follow momentum
>HoganEddie treatment. Gets some screen time. Heatless feuds. Jobs to the stars. Is used as an ambassador to New Japan. Never sniffs the main event scene. NWO are used as filler goons for what ever heel needs them
>AustinEverything with the Bret Hart feud stays the same but after the double turn at mania he gets stuck with anti-dimes babyface friends and puts on CAREER DEFINING PERFORMANCES at every pay per view. Gets sacrificed to the Yakuza as an apology for Austin breaking Chono's neck at Forbidden Door
>Attitude EraMichaels politics his way into a 3 year long reign, Triple H fucks his sister, Undercarder tanks the ratings, things never leave New Generation Era viewership