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They used to have 14 to 21 R threads... now they have none. Coping in a falseflag most ignore. LMAO. Samefagging it. DEAR OH DEAR! where's your R threads now? don't worry if you post one we will first murk it and then copy it with Bryan.
LOL they just saw my comment mocking them after begging for my attention for 12 hours.
Whatever loser. The only goal is to ruin your lifes work. Your threads are generally ignored by majoirty now. MY LAND!
Either way cunt you fucked with the wrong trolls and and we will rape Birdie to ever loving fuck and ruin this shit hole board to turn more people off it you want to act all tough.
LOL they just saw my comment mocking them after begging for my attention for 12 hours.
Whatever loser. The only goal is to ruin your lifes work. Your threads are generally ignored by majoirty now. MY LAND!
Either way cunt you fucked with the wrong trolls and and we will rape Birdie to ever loving fuck and ruin this shit hole board to turn more people off it you want to act all tough.