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No.9237934 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of your names needs to be a gimmick name and the other one a normal name to get over
>Hulk Hogan
>Randy Savage
>Chris Jericho
>Cactus Jack
>Tommy Dreamer

They forgot this at some point they just had dudes called Seth Rollins Justin Gabriel like who the fuck would care, the only way to make normal name guys work is with a quotation nickname like Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

But on the other hand you can't have 2 gimmick names either it's too much, I'm looking at you Brutus Beefcake you fucking idiot

Having one name seems to work out like Sting or Kane but only if you start with one name, if you start with two names and lose one that's the kiss of death brother