>>9259981TL;DR - You're all fucked in the head for different reasons. Baked included.
Baked threw in too many UI changes on top of countermeasures used to prevent people from breaking the site when a third-party stream crashed. I know it costs money to maintain a web server, but it was too much at once. I had to go elsewhere so I could finally chill out and watch the wrestling I enjoy with some online frens.
The freeloaders bitching that they can't access the site need to STFU and make their own Baked. There's simply too many of you for a single CyTube site to accommodate these days. You're like the niggers who rage when the local KFC or Popeye's can't sell anymore chicken sandwiches to them. You might even be those same exact niggers I just mentioned AFAIK.
As for /pw/, many of you guys here spend too much time bitching about bad wrestling and "hot takes" from the dirtsheets. I hate them too, but WHERE'S THE KINO?! Classic, present day, doesn't matter. Where is it?