>Good variety of styles, modern American, high flying, technical, comedy.>Great "core" talents such as Josh Alexander, Mike Bailey, Steve Maclin,Trey Miguel, Ace Austin, Masha, MCMG,Deonna, Jordynne, >No other way to describe it, but the show is comfy. It's two hours a week and easy to watch without insulting your intelligence.>PPVs are very consistently good, perhaps at a higher quality than any promotion in AmericaTo be fair, it's not perfect, Scott seems to have a tendency to hire ex-WWE guys, which isn't a problem in itself, but they aren't really there to do anything but coast. As far as crowds go, they lost a lot of momentum since before the pandemic, where I believe they were getting something like 2500 for BFG 2019. Nowadays the average taping is around 5-600. If that's the sort of thing that's a dealbreaker for you, you won't like it. But most Owlchads are just here for comfy wrestling and don't partake in the console shit flinging.
Match to get you started: MCMG vs Bailey/Gresham