I remember the night Cena introduced it. This of course was after his spinner US belt which was admittedly really cool and was a natural attribute to his character at the tie. After her won the Undisputed belt at 'Mania, I kinda figured they woudl do what they did with the US belt and revert it back to its old design, but no. They stuck with that for years, didn't they?
I can't say that I "miss" it, but the list of guys who have held it is significant and it exemplifies the era that it was prominent in. Punk got that belt, Jeff getting that belt was very vindicating at the time, Miz got that belt and turned the W upside down, Edge finally got that belt and turned it into the 'R' belt. It's kinda bittersweet now that you mentioned it and bring it up, but I don't care much for the current designs for many of the belts where its just the promotions logo overshadowing everything, the corporate belt design. I prefer championships to just that, look like championships with prestige and value and stuff even if it is fake. This really does look like a hubcap, but to many it signfies that era the same way the Big Eagle, Big Gold and Winged Eagle signifies theirs.