>>9324649>It it fair to start questioning how good Bianca actually is at this point?No because what we're criticizing here is how she's booked, and only tangentially how she makes the most of what she's given.
>All I've heard for years is how she's so talented.She is atheltic, can do moves, and work a mic adequately, but she's constrained by WWE style wrestling, the need to be a face (and a face of the company), and in a way her lack of a gimmick. She probably is also given scripts like everyone else in the company she has to follow, both for promos and matches.
In a way, superstars of today are only responsible for their look/image and their delivery. Bianca more or less accomplishes both.
>but a run this bad just shouldn't happen from a talented performer.Bad booking can kill just about anyone. They just had her feud with Dimeless CTRL for ~7 months, paired her up with incongruent players Alexa and Asuka for lack of anyone else, and then had them turn against her for the remaining programs to fill the time. The bosses suck dick at storytelling and making matches and have done not a thing to make the roster better, hiring mostly shitters who still couldn't be used to enhance Bianca's reign.