>>9337052IWC is a term exclusively designed and used by smarks who think they're marks, to define it simply. The way you can verify this is, despite it being an alledged insult to online wrestling fans, it is only used online. Everyone using this term is a smark, by nature, only smarks sit down and discuss wrestling for hours online. By virtue of the fact they have 0 (zero) friends to talk to about wrestling offline. Even if they did, it would be shocking to them if their mark friend watched Cody's match, then turned off Raw because that's all they wanted to see. You only hear about the internet wrestling community online, the only people who use the term IWC are practically guaranteed to be smarkier than 85% of the actual IWC. This is why you see it so often among Corny and WWE fans. By merely knowing who Dave, Corny, or even WHERE to discuss WWE not called twitter... You have broken the seed of smark. The entire concept is cope about wrestlings popularity anyway. It's never gonna be the 90s again, so enjoy being a smarked out mark! All you need to do is admit this is a niche hobby, marks.